Mar 8, 2021Liked by ML Cavanaugh

I enjoyed the newsletter this week. The part that particularly resonated with me was about Department of Defense. It prompted a memory about something I’d either heard or read about in the past from President Eisenhower. It spoke to the bloat of the DoD (he was speaking to the military industrial complex) and said it was a threat. While I agree, often times there is plenty to trim, I think specifically in that instance, the reason for not cutting out the bloat is jobs (among other political reasons).

Anyway, for the topic next week I’d be open to either, but if I had to pick, I’d chose The Supreme Importance of Pre-checking your Strategy.

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As business exec, article is relevant and timely from my standpoint as I grapple with this decision constantly. The challenge for me, and for many others, is really knowing where to cut; making sure you don't cut essential parts, which may end up costing you even. more.

Pre-checking your strategy for me.

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Meaningful vs calculated risk intrigues me... because I am unsure about the difference!

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